This week: Elites push new COVID-19 IQ test for the masses

Posted on June 30, 2021

As worldwide elites direct their media lackeys to ramp up fear and panic about the “Delta” COVID-19 variant, yesterday morning LA County health officials strongly recommended its 10 million residents go back to wearing masks while indoors, regardless of vaccination status. There are so many logical problems with this move that it’s hard to believe this is anything but a test to see how compliant people are willing to be. After all, it was only a few weeks ago that LA county opened up completely after 15 months of draconian lockdown policies.

So, here’s the IQ pop-quiz being posed this week by elites regarding their new boogeyman–the “Delta” variant:

Question 1: Are you a racist?
We realize you are probably a true anti-racist, but we’d like to make sure you don’t use the derogatory term “Indian” when talking about the new variant, even though that’s where it made a name for itself. Please use “Delta” instead of “Indian” from now on. (We apologize to Delta airlines, Delta faucets, Delta State University, the city of Delta, Colorado, and any other offended parties. We’re sure you’ll understand.)

Question 2: You still believe masks work, don’t you?
Don’t listen to the people who say masks don’t work. Oh and definitely don’t read the conclusions from the 2020 Danmask-19 study. Oh and buy the way, here’s your free commemorative cotton Fauci face mask. Guaranteed to protect you from, well, something.

Question 3: Capacity limits and social distancing are so 4 weeks ago, wouldn’t you agree?
I know, I know. We’ve done a complete 180 on capacity limits and social distancing in the last few weeks. It’s been a whirlwind for sure. But masks still work. Trust us. Please adjust your religious beliefs accordingly.

Question 4: Do variants usually get stronger or weaker as they mutate?
Based on everything we know from the history of virus mutation (I know–history–who cares, right! We’re making our own!), as viruses mutate they become more contagious and less virulent. But trust us when we tell you it’s different this time!

Question 5: You trust us over the CDC, right?
We realize the CDC hasn’t changed any of their recommendations to recommend masks in light of the rise of the Delta variant. But you can trust us, right?

Let’s see how many people fail the quiz. The elites are surely watching for compliance levels as they plan their next move.